I really hope it's as exciting and engaging as it sounds! Somewhere I can kiss grog and drink wenches. Will there be guilds who focus on this? I'd also love to see a "pirate node" out on some island or costal area. I'm really curious how this community feels about this aspect of AoC. I played Archeage as a member of a pretty successful naval PVP guild and it was the most fun I'd had in an MMO in years, in spite that game's issues.

(Insert "plundering booty" innuendo here). I feel I would really like to be a privateer or a blockade runner/smuggler on the high seas. I'm really hoping we see a variety of ships, large guild ships, small one or two-man trade ships and a range in between. I've always enjoyed games were ship to ship combat was a thing (AC Black Flag, World of Warships, yes, even Archeage). Since ships have been confirmed, along with the $1.5 mil Stretch Goal for improved sea content I have been sold on this game. I can't wait to get to know our community more I just checked we were on Kyprosa xD I ran a small guild of 30 so not suprised if you never heard of us but we had great times ^^ I hope to experience the same excitement in AoC. The adrenaline of hearing "ship sighted, prepare to board". We were on the Alpha server too, and then launch we jumped to Kyrios. I can't remember the server names if I'm honest but we played near the beginning and called it quits when the hacking got bad ^^ Trade Pack Security Ltd was my guild and we were part of Sun Tzu alliance if that rings a bell xD I was proud sailing our ship! And I want to be proud sailing with my guild on our adventures to be had in AoC! I also hope we can put our guild logos on the sails- was a nice personal touch.

I hope we have a variety of ships and ship weaponary aswell as a compas/captain mode where we can see enemy/friendly targets. I ran a trade pack mercenary guild and the risk/reward ideals is what our guild focused on and it created some epic memories ^^ It’s the new year, and it’s a tradition here at Adventures of the Spiral to give you a recap of the year gone, so here it is.I'm the same Some of my best game experiences comes from naval content in AA.